As in previous years, AHS teachers have the option of assigning capstone projects or giving a final test for their culminating activity. Capstones for 4th & 5th block classes are due on Tuesday, December 17 & capstones for 1st and 3rd block classes are due on Wednesday, Dec. 18. Fourth and fifth block final exams will be given on Wednesday, Dec. 18. Students who do not have a 4th or 5th block final may leave or be picked up at 11:30 with a note from a parent/guardian. First and third block final exams will be given the morning of Thursday, Dec. 19. Testing students who have parent notes may leave or be picked up at 11:30. Reminder: the office cannot accept phone calls for check-outs on those days. Each student must have a parent note to check-out through their classroom teachers.