Parent/Student Resources » Registration Information

Registration Information

The following links have registration material.  Please use these links to view material that is or will be given to each student who plans to attend Adamsville High School in the upcoming school year.
AHS New Student Enrollment 2024-2025

You must be the person listed on the birth certificate and/or custody papers in order to enroll the
If you do not meet proof of residence for McNairy County, you are not guaranteed enrollment. Your information will be reviewed and the administration will approve or deny your student's enrollment. Therefore, if you are not an McNairy County resident, it is better to call before coming in to enroll to discuss what other information may be needed to review to determine your student's eligibility.
McNairy County Schools is now registering students online. Before beginning the registration process you must have an active email address.

On any browser, visit and click on the Parent Community at the top right of the screen then click on ParentVue Login. It will ask the question: Have you, as a parent/guardian, ever had a student enrolled in McNairy County Schools before? You will then choose *No. (Click Here)* Then you will click Create a New Account. You will then follow the steps to complete the online registration process.
In order to be considered for enrollment, parents/guardians must provide copies of the following documents:
-birth certificate
-social security card/number
-TN Immunization form marked "Complete for 7th grade or Higher"
-Custody agreement (if applicable)
-Parent ID
-Two proofs of residence *two things mailed to your address-if your DI has correct address, it can serve as one of them*
It will give you the option to upload some of these documents during the online registration process; however, you will still need to deliver copies of them to the school, so uploading copies during the online registration process is not necessary. If you bring them in on the new student enrollment date, we can make the copies for you.
If you need assistance or computer access to complete the online portion of the registration, we will have computers available that day. If not, it is best to have the computer portion of the registration process completed before you arrive at the school.
Specific dates and times will be set for this process to be completed. There WILL NOT be someone available at the school every day in the summer to complete this, so please do not come without an appointment.